Drone use, or the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), in productions is becoming increasingly popular across the nation. As such, the regulatory framework surrounding drone use continues to evolve and change. The Texas Film Commission encourages productions to refer to the online resources below to learn more about responsible and safe flying in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), state and local regulations.

State of Texas Regulations

The State of Texas’s Government Code regarding use of unmanned aircrafts details what is permissible use (423.002) and what is considered an offense (423.003, 423.004, 423.0045, 423.0046). Contact the local municipality you’re filming in to see if they have their own additional regulations.



Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulations

The FAA requires that UAS owners register their UAS prior to operation. This rule pertains to UAS weighing more than 0.55 lbs and less than 55 lbs. If you want to fly your UAS for commercial use, you must follow the FAA’s set of operational rules (known as “Part 107”.)



Additional Resources


  • Know Before You Fly
    An education campaign founded by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), and the Small UAV Coalition in partnership with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to educate prospective users about the safe and responsible operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).
  • CSATF Recommended Guidelines for Safely Working Around Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
    Safety bulletins via the Contract Services Administration Trust Fund, A non-profit organization that administers a variety of programs for the benefit of the motion picture and television industry.